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of inspirations

From food to people.

From animals to plants.

Biscotti all'arancia

By Giada Minutolo

2 tazze di zucchero

2 olio

2 arance

1 cucchiaino di soda

1 carta di ammoniaca

1 cucchiaino di sale

2 vaniglie


By Antía Fernández Martínez                            

old spanish poem

by Miguel Hernandez

English translation by unknown author

Andaluces de Jaén,


aceituneros altivos,

decidme en el alma: ¿quién,

quién levantó los olivos?


No los levantó la nada,

ni el dinero, ni el señor,

sino la tierra callada,

el trabajo y el sudor.


Unidos al agua pura

y a los planetas unidos,

los tres dieron la hermosura

de los troncos retorcidos.


Levántate, olivo cano,

dijeron al pie del viento.

Y el olivo alzó una mano

poderosa de cimiento.


Andaluces de Jaén,

aceituneros altivos,

decidme en el alma: ¿quién

amamantó los olivos?


Vuestra sangre, vuestra vida,

no la del explotador

que se enriqueció en la herida

generosa del sudor.


No la del terrateniente

que os sepultó en la pobreza,

que os pisoteó la frente,

que os redujo la cabeza.


Árboles que vuestro afán

consagró al centro del día

eran principio de un pan

que sólo el otro comía.


¡Cuántos siglos de aceituna,

los pies y las manos presos,

sol a sol y luna a luna,

pesan sobre vuestros huesos!


Andaluces de Jaén,

aceituneros altivos,

pregunta mi alma: ¿de quién,

de quién son estos olivos?


Jaén, levántate brava

sobre tus piedras lunares,

no vayas a ser esclava

con todos tus olivares.


Dentro de la claridad

del aceite y sus aromas,

indican tu libertad

la libertad de tus lomas.

Olive pickers       


Andalusians of Jaén,

proud olive pickers,

tell me from your soul: who,

who raised up the olive trees?


They were not raised up by nothing,

nor by money, nor by the master,

but by the silent earth,

by work and by sweat.


Together with pure water

and together with the planets,

these three gave beauty

to the twisted trunks.


Rise up, silver haired olive tree,

they said at the foot of the wind.

And the olive tree raised

a powerful hand as its foundation.


Andalusians of Jaén,

proud olive pickers,

tell me in your soul: who

suckled the olive trees?


Your blood, your life,

not that of the exploiter

who grew rich on the

generous wound of sweat.


Not that of the landowner

who buried you in poverty,

who trod on your brow,

who made you bow your head.


Trees which your effort

brought into the broad light of day,

provided the bread

eaten only by someone else.


How many centuries of olives,

with your feet and hands kept captive

from sun to sun and moon to moon,

weigh down on your bones!


Andalusians of Jaén,

proud olive pickers,

my soul asks: to whom,

to whom do these olive trees belong?


Jaén, rise up bravely

on your stony, moon-like land,

do not be a slave

along with all your olive groves.


Within the clarity

of the oil and its aromas,

they proclaim your liberty

the liberty of your hillsides

Picture from

Bizcocho a la naranja

By Antía Fernández Martínez

2 vasos de azúcar 

2 aceite

2 naranjas

1 cucharada de bicarbonato

1 hoja de amoníaco

1 cucharada de sal

1 vainilla

Ciasteczka pomarańczowe   

By Adam Dabrowski                

1 szklanka oliwy z oliwek                 

1 szklanka cukru (lub mniej)           

1 szklanka soku pomarańczowego

1 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia    

1,5 kg  mąki                                      

Οrange biscuits

By Argyris Papadopoulos

2 cups of sugar

2 cups of olive oil 

2 cups of fresh orange juice

1 spoon of baking soda

1 paper of baker's ammonia

1 small spoon of salt

2 vanillas  

© 2016 K.A.NE. Social Youth Development

The volunteers responsible for this blog are hosted in Greece in the framework of the European Erasmus+ programme, KA1/youth - European Voluntary Service. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.

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