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Hada de la Aurora                        

Music: Sokratis Malamas

Lyrics: Pigi Kafetzopoulou

Translation in Spanish: Antía Fernández Martínez

Yo piso el cielo,

camino sobre el océano,

ando sobre las olas

cuando te miro a ti.


Eres Hada de la Aurora,

la más bella sobre la tierra

con una sonrisa puedes milagros decir.


Yo enciendo la nieve,

dejo fuegos tras de mí en la escarcha,

es primavera en el corazón,

cuando te miro a ti.


Eres Hada de la Aurora,

la más bella sobre la tierra

con una sonrisa puedes milagros decir.

Ze Słońcem / With the Sun                     

By Joanna Zawalska

from Joanna's handmade soap facebook page

Some of you already know, some have no idea yet... about three weeks ago I spontaneously decided to go to Greece for a voluntary project which is mostly about olive agriculture. Also about producing olive oil. It's very interesting and educating experience for me as olive oil is basic ingredient in my soaps and important add in body butters. I use it to produce herb infusions too. So it's good to know how it is produced from the very beginning.

We are living on the south of Peloponnese, in a small village with around 50 inhabitants. Everyone able to work works with olives here. I have had an opportunity to harvest olives manually, see how they turn into oil and taste the freshest and most tasteful olive oil ever. Probably I will come back to Poland few kilograms heavier as we pour olive oil like water here :D

But the best thing is that I will take some with me. I can't wait to make soaps, 100% olive oil soaps! They will be even more handmade ones than usually. I have already lots of ideas. But well, twenty more days and I can start making it!
Sunny greetings to you all!
P.S. Thank you Adam and Agathe for posing for the photos

© 2016 K.A.NE. Social Youth Development

The volunteers responsible for this blog are hosted in Greece in the framework of the European Erasmus+ programme, KA1/youth - European Voluntary Service. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.

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